If you have been referred or have referred yourself for psychotherapy treatment, or if you are thinking about therapy for yourself, there are a few things you should consider beforehand.
If you are considering psychotherapy, you probably want to deal with some issues that have a life-dominating quality about them. They have been going on a long time. You may not understand why you feel or behave in certain ways and this affects you and those around you negatively. need to prioritize your psychotherapy treatment. Think carefully about your budget and set aside enough money for fees. Private Psychotherapy is costly and you will have to prioritize it, otherwise what is the point? Either you are serious about change or not.
Psychotherapy is not advice. Neither is it a rescue service. It is often tough emotional work related to past developmental experience. Above all else psychotherapy is about taking your emotions very seriously indeed and working through them, not only understanding them. Exploring the the way your past impacts your present life is usually unavoidable. This takes time and trust. A trusting relationship with your therapist takes time to build. It needs to be a professional relationship built on rock, not on sand and be able to withstand the emotional storms that may come.
Psychotherapy talk is not a chat, not a normal conversation. It is treatment. It does not necessarily follow the normal rules of conversation e.g. you say something and I respond, then you talk and I respond etc. It takes a bit of getting used to and won't always feel comfortable, even though it also will. It has been compared to surgery in that words are actions that are like scalpels making an incision in the right place at the right time in order to heal the emotional problem.
Psychotherapy has helped many people deal with mental or emotional distress, which can be experienced in many ways, including:
Whether psychotherapy can help YOU will depend largely upon the quality of the relationship between you and your therapist.
The purpose of the consultation is to your see if psychoanalytic, psycho-dynamic, intercultural or EMDR psychotherapy can be of help to you.
You can be referred for a confidential assessment consultation by your GP or other agency (e.g. Social Services, Mental Health Services, Psychiatrist, Counselling Service, Psychotherapist). You can also refer yourself to me by contacting me to arrange a consultation (see 'Contact' page).
You may be anxious or bewildered or simply unfamiliar with the consultation process. You will most likely be trying to get an impression about whether this kind of psychotherapy will meet your needs and help deal with your problems.
I will need to get an idea of what you think has made you the person that you are. You will need to tell me about the specific issues that are distressing you and I will try to give you my professional views about this. We will think together about some of the issues that are suggested by the consultation process that takes place between us and what meanings this may have for you. The meeting is not a test or something you have to pass. It is about your care and the best way to help you.
I will tell you a little about the therapeutic approaches I offer and you will be able to ask me questions about this if you want to.
We will consider the practical implications of therapy for you: likely length of treatment, frequency of sessions, fees, couch versus the chair, holidays, confidentiality.
I will outline the professional boundaries around treatment: session times, my availability to you, cancellations, breaks, fee payment, roles and responsibilities. You can ask me to explain or clarify any of these issues further if you wish.
A consultation for psychotherapy lasts for 90 minutes.
Psychotherapy Fees & Prices for different sessions
Assessment consultations:
£105.00. Individual consultations last for 80-90 minutes.
£140 for couples. Consultations last for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Follow-up consultations for ex-patients:
£90 for a one-off session lasting an hour.
Psychoanalytic, Psychodynamic, Intercultural clinicians = £85.00 per hour.
Fees are £35.00 per session per person. There are twelve sessions (usually coinciding with academic year term dates), and fees for the twelves sessions (= 12 weeks) are payable in advance.
Fees are £30.00 per session per person, payable one month in advance.
Reports and Teaching
Expert and Professional reports for insurance and legal purposes are available and may be negotiated on request.
Teaching and training seminars and workshops: fees negotiated and agreed on enquiry.